Using pseudoscience to prey on distressed families


It’s the perfect marriage of self-righteousness, misanthropy, and medical quackery.

People for Ethical Treatment of Animals, aka PETA, showed its own ethical colours this week by promoting veganism with a discredited ad that falsely links milk consumption to autism. In reality, there is no link. But why scruple to exploit the distress of parents coping with autism, when a truly important cause, like ending cow milking, is at stake?

There is no credible scientific evidence that milk products play any role in autism.

  • Forbes debunks the PETA ad here.
  • The website ScienceBasedMedicine debunks it here.
  • Wired debunks it here.
  • debunks it here.
  • The London Telegraph debunks it here.

All this matters little to the charlatans at PETA. They care only that the ad will pull in donations and converts from the inexhaustible pool of gullible marks.