In 1909, Henry Ford said buyers could have any color Model T they wanted, "as long as it's black." One hundred and one years later, Apple, too, seems unable to produce an iPhone 4 in any color but black. Here's why: [This video uses Flash, so Apple iWhatever users click here.] Source: JLE...

April 3:  Is this the transient alcoholic flicker on a too sweet rum cake, or a nuclear flash that will mark April 3 as a milestone we'll observe 20 and 40 years from now? According to David Pogue and Leo LaPorte, techies are scornful and users are awestruck, in which case, the smart money will be on the users. But there’s a big problem. To some, Jobs and Apple are a modern version of Bauhaus: elegant utilitarian design with fascist undertones. Apple’s singular control over what media its machines can play, and what machines can play its media, represents a giant backward...