But is it a numbers game Nova Scotia can win?

This full-page ad, in an international trade journal aimed at green energy providers, caught the eye of a consulting engineer in Nova Scotia.



How can we compete with this? Well, on a per capita basis, that’s how. Iowa has just over three times the population of Nova Scotia, and graduates just over three times as many engineers as we do. Writes the engineer:

Imagine the Nova Scotia government putting a full page ad in a major trade magazine extolling our engineering strength.

Nah, I can’t imagine it either.

Instead, we attract a steady stream of talented young people who come here from other parts of the world to get top notch university educations, then just as quickly, we export them—along with our own kids.

What if we promoted that pool of young talent, foreign and domestic, as a reason to set up shop here?

By the way, if you’re thinking of moving a manufacturing plant from Nova Scotia to Iowa, here’s the fine print from the ad:

Winning in manufacturing comes down to the numbers. That’s
why Iowa has seen 24.5% growth in manufacturing GDP, nearly
double the national average. Manufacturers enjoy lower turnover
since our average employee stays at the same employer for 12
years. 78% of the patents in Iowa impact advanced manufacturing.
And we graduate 1500 engineers each year, to keep your
advanced manufacturing, well, advancing. See how we can help
you win at iowaeconomicdevelopment.com. It’s not bragging
when your numbers back you up.

Read it and weep.

H/T:  RS & RH