Cliff White defends Ormiston: I happened to catch both the clip of Ormiston holding the hand of, and then carrying, the little boy, and the one of  Cooper tousling the head of another. I didn't think there was any comparison. I was moved by the first and disgusted by the second. Watching Ormiston's reports over the last week or so, it's obvious she has been deeply affected by what she's seeing and reporting on. Her actions conveyed a real human warmth. It's not such a bad thing for viewers to occasionally see that reporters are not just automatons, but  are real people...

Herald columnist Jim Meek takes a shot at CBC reporter Susan Ormiston: In one story, the viewer was treated to moving pictures of CBC-TV reporter Susan Ormiston, who held the hand of a small Haitian child as they walked through a devastated, crowded neighbourhood. Ms. Ormiston later collected the tired child into her own tender arms, and on they marched. The made-for-TV pictures provided proof of Ms. Ormiston’s compassion, and I did wonder for a moment if the reporter or the youngster’s family was the intended focus of the story. I didn't see the piece in question, and I winced to see Ormiston...

CBC's Susan Ormiston encountered Richard Colvin when she was a war correspondent, and he was a senior Canadian political officer, in Kandahar. Tonight, on the national, she spoke about his credibility. He was the guy that reporters wanted to get a briefing from when they arrived in Kandahar to find out what was happening on the ground....