26 Jun NDP & Grit riding associations race to avoid deregistration
Three NDP and one Liberal riding associations are racing to comply with financial disclosure requirements that could result in their deregistration. As reported earlier, the entire Green Party also faces imminent deregistration.
Joanne Lamey, provincial organizer for the Nova Scotia New Democratic Party confirmed that three NDP riding associations have been warned of possible deregistration for failure to disclose financial information.
She said financial statements for the Digby Annapolis, Yarmouth, and Inverness riding associations were in various stages of completion, and she expected to submit them “very quickly—perhaps this afternoon.”
Glennie Langille, who was co-chair of communications for the Liberal campaign, said one riding association had been asked to supply tardy financial statements, but she denied the deadline was imminent. She refused to identify the riding association because no official action had been taken against it.
Dana Philip Doiron, communications director for Elections Nova Scotia, said a report to be issued Tuesday by Chief Electoral Officer Christine McCulloch would detail failure to publish financial information by the Green Party, and an undisclosed number of riding associations involving the Greens and two other parties he would not identify. He said deregistration would follow shortly after its publication.
A spokesperson for the Progressive Conservative Party Association said the party has received written notice from McCulloch that all its riding associations are in compliance.