09 Oct Another kindred spirit
I promise not to go on about this ad nauseam, but I just discovered that Beagle-owner Andrew Sullivan of The Atlantic noted Rosie’s obit in his Daily Dish blog Sunday. Rosie’s sardine can caper reminded Andrew of the time his now aging beagle Dusty broke into an overnight bag some house guests had imprudently left on the floor of his loft—with two large boxes of Godiva chocolates hidden inside. Moneyquote:
It was a beagle Linda Blair – with viscous chocolate liquid projectile vomiting everywhere in sight. I went to grab her to get her outside. She decided this was a game. So yours truly spent the next ten minutes chasing a projectile chocolate vomiting beagle around my loft until every single item of furniture, every rug, and the bed was covered in what felt and looked like chocolate mucus. My low point was actually slipping in some and careening headfirst into a pile of still-warm, and very slippery chocolate goo. That’s when my guests returned, to find their secret busted. But all they could do was laugh at me until they near-collapsed.
Andrew closed with some wistful thoughts about his attachment to dogs in general, and Dusty in particular:
I used to think that dogs were just dogs, beneath us humans, different in fundamental ways. I don’t any more. I see the trace of God’s love and God’s creation in every one. But I only really see it in the one I love and have lived in the same room with for twelve years and counting.