09 Oct Capitalism fails again: why you can’t get a Kindle in Canada – updated
The Globe and Mail’s Omar El Akkad has the skinny on why Amazon’s hugely successful Kindle book reader, now available in more than 100 countries, still can’t be purchased in Canada. Moneyquote:
Sources say the delay may be due to newly discovered competition. Until recently, the wireless technology used by the Kindle was available only through Rogers. This week, however, Bell and Telus announced a new next-generation network that will go live in November, giving Amazon more options to choose from for their device. The two carriers announced this week that they will use the new network to begin offering Apple’s iPhone, previously only available through Rogers.
Neither Telus nor Rogers would comment for the story, and Bell said little. One has to wonder whether Rogers played too cute by half, trying to hold Amazon (and Apple) to ransom when it was the only game in town, and now suddenly finding itself with eager competitors for Kindle and iPhone customers. Says El Akkad:
There seems little doubt that Canadians will eventually get their hands on the Kindle, the only question is when. If Amazon does decide to partner up with Bell or Telus, then Canadian customers can expect the device as early as next month – only a few weeks after the Cook Islands.
Mike McKenzie responds:
You should pick up a Kindle on your next trip to Cuba. If you take a few cases of toilet paper, a set of wrenches, and some fish hooks you could barter for one.