10 Nov It never rains but it pours on Gordon Brown
Posted at 10:27h
in That's life
The big story in the UK today?
- A British soldier dies in Afghanistan.
- The PM sends a handwritten a condolence letter, but misspells the soldier’s name.
- The mother makes a stink.
- The PM calls.
- The mother records the call.
The mother turned the tape over to the tabloid Sun, whose outrage barely masked its glee. The Guardian and the Times have more balanced accounts.
There are few things more sacred in journalism, politics, and life than the grieving mother of a soldier killed in action. In this case, however, having listened to the call with rapt horror, my symathies go to Brown.
[UPDATE] Geraint Jones writes check in from the seat of empire:
The nation feels sad for Mrs Janes, but nearly everyone thinks she and the media are very very sick.
Hat tip: AN.