Right string, wrong yo-yo.

Cory Gillen-s

At the Northside Tavern in Atlanta, Georgia, last night, bartender Cory Gillen was showing off his Atlanta Thrashers tattoo as the Trashers’ game with the Florida Panthers played on the TV above.

The Thrashers won, 2-1, on a Rich Peverley shootout goal, just in time for the tavern’s main act, the gravelly voiced, 69(?)-year-old, Beverly “Guitar” Watkins (below), “a pyrotechnic guitar maven whose searing, ballistic attacks on the guitar have become allegorical tales within the blues community.”

In the late ‘fifties, Watkins played with the band “Dr. Feelgood, The Interns, and The Nurse,” who recorded the single called, Right String But The Wrong Yo-Yo.

Backing Watkins last night was the Northside’s house band, fronted by Danny “Mudcat” Dudeck.

Beverly Guitar Watkins-s