24 May Why organizations use consultants
Contrarian reader and consulting engineer Jeffrey Pinhey considers the pros and cons of using consultants, and the media’s treatment of the Dexter government:
So you are just getting around to the realization that the media are not going to be pro-NDP anything unless they are in opposition? I am no member of any of these “parties” (my parties are a lot more fun) but it sure seems obvious that the Herald is holding Darrell Dexter to a higher set of expectations that any other Premier has been in some time, even to the point of somehow twisting things to the point of blaming him for the indiscretions of members of the other parties. It almost seems like the last government’s lack of accountability is now the NDP’s fault?
This latest lack of interest in the truth around what that $43,000 actually paid for is just another example. I am sick and tired of the media going on about consultants doing work for government. What percentage of the words in a typical run of the Herald were actually written by their full time staff? Organizations hire consultants to do things they can’t do that well themselves, because they don’t do it all the time, the amount of work is above their own capacity to do in the tie required, the work is a specialized area of knowledge, and/or it is simply more cost effective.
This hiring of consultants to justify decisions that have already been made, and only releasing those studies that support the party line, has got to stop, though.