Toronto lockdown

Workers install security fencing near the CBC building on Front Street in Toronto in preparation for next week’s G8 and G20 summits. This is not the perimeter fence, but one of a series of internal fences that will form – take your pick – an obstacle course, security sub-zones, or guides to assist in herding any demonstrators who may penetrate the outer perimeter.

The National Post has a graphic depicting the scale of the $1.2 billion security lockdown to be enforced by 7,100 police and para-police.

Facilities to be closed during the weekend include the Rogers Centre, the Princess of Wales Theatre, the Roundhouse Brewery, the Royal Alexandra Theatre, and eastbound exits 24,

25, and 26 of the Gardner Expressway. (The entire westbound lane will experience periodic shutdowns on June 27.)

Union Station will remain open for GO-Train traffic, but not for Via Rail passengers, who will be bussed around the city while their trains shuttle through the station empty. Subways will operate, but individual trains will be halted any time heads of state traverse streets above them.

Businesses in the downtown core have been encouraged to let employees work from home, and those who must come to work are cautioned to avoid business attire that might make them targets for bogeymen, er, terrorists.

(Click here larger version of the Post graphic.)