19 Jun Toronto lockup
A Toronto police officer enters a defunct film studio lot that has been fortified for use as a detention center for protesters arrested during next week’s G8 and G20 summit meetings.
The temporary jail stretches along a lengthy portion of Eastern Ave. in Toronto’s Leslieville neighborhood.
Satellite imagery shows the dormant film studio between Eastern Ave. and Lake Shore Blvd., before its conversion into a summit detention center. Security officials will not confirm that the newly fortified and heavily policed compound will serve as a temporary jail, but the taking of these photos Saturday attracted polite but persistent questioning by police on hand.
Dr. Michael Feldman, a medical director at Sunnybrook Hospital, told doctors in an email last week that summit officials are seeking doctors willing to treat minor injuries in the detention center so they can remain in police custody and not be transported to hospital. Feldman said the protesters would likely be young and healthy, and may fake their injuries.