Mr. Leahey’s advice to non-voting students

The guru of Sunnyvale speaks out:

Over a million students? In Canada? Man, you guys could have a lot of political weight if you put your little check mark on the day on the ballot box. You woulnd’t have to worry about lowering tuition fees. You could say, “LOWER THE DAMN TUITION FEES!” and they’d do it. ‘Cause they’d listen to you.

Ah I’m wasting my time, you guys aren’t going to go and vote anyway. You guys are all heading down into Shit Valley, you shitweasels. You’re just a bunch of dickweeds.

And for anyone who missed it, the ShitHarperDid video:

During the last election, vote turnout was the lowest in Canadian history, We ended up with a prime minister who didn’t truly represent us. And he did things that would shock and offend most Canadians.

H/T: Mike Swain