08 Sep Election data freed at last
There’s a ton of reader reaction to Contrarian’s dustup with Nova Scotia’s Chief Electoral Officer Christine McCulloch (my original post here; McCulloch’s response here). I intend to post a selection shortly, but what with having been out late last night, and having to wrangle opening night at the fall season of the Cape Breton Island Film Series later today, it will have to keep.
But why wait any longer for this? Within eight hours of my original post, one resourceful Contrarian reader managed to crack McCulloch’s digital locks and return the 2010 donations list to the traditional open pdf format, one that permits searching and taxt-grabbing.
You can download the open version here (13 MB).
I hope to convert the tables it contains to spreadsheet format or comma-separated-variable (csv) files that would be even easier to work with. If Contrarian readers have suggestions for the simplest way to do this, I’m all ears.
There’s a lesson in this.