21 Feb The Press Gallery responds with lofty dudgeon
Press gallery’ tweets in response to this and this (best read from bottom to top):
My favorite response was Glen McGregor’s question, “Do you know any journalists?” Yes, Glen, I have two National Magazine Awards, one Michener Award (out of three times as a finalist), and when I left journalism, I had more Atlantic Journalism Awards than the province of Prince Edward Island. No offense, though. I’d never heard of you, either.
And for the record, I did not call Kady O’Malley anything. My criticism was directed to the Ottawa press pack generally, and neither attempted nor purported to assess any individual reporter’s role. But on the behavior of the pack, it was right on the money.
Also for the record, I have been enduring very spotty internet connectivity for several days, and my ability to engage these colleagues in real time last night was sharply limited.