Getting the green light from Rosa

At Premier Darrell Dexter’s request, the Hollis Street facade of Province House shines green every night this week in honor of the Green Porch Light Project for Organ and Tissue Donation, a grass roots campaign in which supporters of organ and tissue donation turn their porch lights green to celebrate National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week, April 23-28.

As darkness began to settle over West End Halifax Wednesday night, Rosa Eileen Barss Donham got in the spirit with a green porch light and blue butterfly wings, symbol of Nova Scotia’s Legacy of Life program. Rosa knows someone dear to her may one day need a new heart,

Please take a moment to check your Nova Scotia Health Card. If the word donor does not appear to the right of your birthday, then please download this form, fill it out, sign it, and mail it to MSI at the address indicated.

Then take the next opportunity to talk with your family. Let them know you want to be an organ and tissue donor, and you want them to make sure your wish is honored.

If for no other reason, do it for Rosa. I can attest from personal experience, you don’t want her cross with you.

Hats off to Nova Scotia Power and Sobey’s for their support of this project. Let’s make Nova Scotia the province with the highest percentage of signed donor cards in Canada.