22 Oct We’re 24th!
What do Iceland, Finland, Cyprus, Netherlands, Norway, Slovenia, Denmark, Sweden, Austria, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Ireland, Germany, France, Malta, Belgium, Hungary, Australia, Slovakia, New Zealand, Estonia, United Kingdom, and Luxembourg have in common?
They all have lower rates of “relative child poverty” than Canada, according to a UNICEF report card a “Measuring child poverty in the world’s rich countries.”
Some 13.3 percent of Canadian children live in relative poverty, defined as households whose disposable income, adjusted for family size and composition, is less than 50% of the national median income.
We’re in 24th place. Iceland is first, at 4.7 percent. The US ranks 34th, at 23.1 percent, besting only Romania, at 25.5 percent.
I found this data on the delightful website Ranking America, which aggregates lists that place the US and its countrymen on scales ranging from infant survival (47th) and cinnamon imports (1st) to time spent with friends (4th) and erection length (50th – measured, not self-reported).
Mark Rice, an American studies prof at St. John Fisher College in Rochester, N.Y., created Ranking America in response to students who just assume America excels at everything.