Contrarian friend Dave Atkinson one-ups that video of a starling flock's undulations. Walking home the other day from my work at the University of Prince Edward Island, I saw two men ahead of me on the Confederation Trail. They were mesmerized by something in the sky. One of them was taking photographs with his phone. At first, I thought they were watching an eagle, as they're not uncommon in Charlottetown. When I caught up to them, they asked if I could see the magic smoke. "Magic smoke?" I asked, wondering if they'd inhaled some. "Yeah, look!" Low on the horizon, a few hundred metres away, whisps of...

Speaking of the weird and homemade, D. Brown, a carpenter in Canning, makes guitars out of cigar boxes. John Dunsworth, an ardent fan, interviewed him, and Mike Swain filmed it. Seems there's quite a movement behind these rigs. [Update] If a $200 cigar-box guitar is out of your price range, Dave Atkinson recommends the cardboard upright bass....

Contrarian reader Dave Atkinson writes: Both you and Bill Turpin used the word "fulsomely" to describe an apology. I assume you both know what you're doing. How droll. Bill and I probably knew once, but we, or at least I, forgot. William Safire rises from the dead to remind us. (As a bonus, he throws in "noisome" and "enormity.") [Update] Bill T. didn't forget after all: Sheesh! I've been lectured by Harry Flemming on the use of fulsome, so I chose it with care to describe The Coast's apology, and did so because of its ambiguity. It's nice that Dave Atkinson picked up on it, but...