In a follow-up to her screed against diplomat Richard Colvin, Globe and Mail columnist Christie Blatchford resorts to a full-blown bucket defence. According to Blatchford: There is no evidence Afghan security forces abused prisoners Canada turned over to them: "This is not akin to officials knowing that Afghans were being tortured." Everyone knew Afghan security forces abused prisoners Canada turned over to them: "[It's] obvious that Afghanistan is a brutal country where cruelty, hardship and physical violence are a way of life. No one with a lick of sense would expect that Afghan prisoners would live in comfort or ease." Colvin never actually...

Unfortunately, the officials House of Commons recording of Richard Colvin's testimony is not in an audio format I know how to embed. Readers can listen to by clicking here [Link Fixed]. I have transcribed some excerpts below, but everyone should listen to the whole recording. Colvin describes shameful behaviour on the part of senior Canadian military officials and their civilian overseers. The acts and omissions he describes are a disgrace to Canada that must be corrected. The first step in correcting them is for Canadians to fully appreciate what took place. Colvin explained that Canada did not monitor detainees after it turned...