A “cure” for Down syndrome? — Reader feedback #4
Previous posts questioning the efforts to "cure" Down syndrome begin here and here. Silas Barss Donham, husband of Jenn Power, father of Josh and Jacob, and son of Contrarian, writes:A person's view of this type of medical research depends on whether one sees Down syndrome as a disease or as a natural genetic variation, like left-handedness or hair colour. Most people in our society fall into the first group, but then, most people in our society don't know much about people with intellectual disabilities. I suspect most people in our society wouldn't imagine the second group exists. This is related to one's ability to appreciate the unique gifts people with Down syndrome offer to those around them. We do not see them, nor do they see themselves, as people who suffer from a debilitating disease, or as incomplete attempts at humanness. We see them as complete human beings who have a unique experience and viewpoint. Trying to "cure" this condition seems as foreign as trying to cure maleness, left-handedness, or homosexuality.Full post after the jump.
27 November, 2009