Jeff Jarvis speaking to Leo LaPorte on this week’s edition of This Week in Google: I listen to Radio Canada -- CBC -- on Sirius all the time, because they have good programs, and they’re covering RIM like it’s really a story, ‘cause they have to, ‘cause it’s like a national requirement. It’s so sad. Peter Rojas chimed in: That company...

I'm new to blogging and still feeling my way around the courtesies and protocols of the genre. When I post an item I found somewhere else, I usually credit and link to the source where I encountered it — a figurative tip of the hat. Sometimes I dig deeper and link to the original source material, and sometimes to both ("hat tip [originator] via [mysource]"). These links are courteous to my comrades in the ether, and provide a richer experience for the reader. Traditional news organizations sometimes complain that the whole blog world is an endless exercise in ripping off their...

As we noted last month, Wendy Southgate was captured 43 times on Google Street View while walking her dog near in Elmsdale, Suffolk, UK. Today, it's a hapless Google Street View driver who captured himself while indisposed on lonely High Rock Road outside Reno, Nevada: Scroll around at the same location and see the disembodied Google Street View Car door flung open by the desperate driver as he sought the pause that refreshes: Hat tip: TWIG 41...