Ever from the sparkles of ideas sprouts… found poetry!

To make sport of bad English translations by non-English speakers is to flirt with, nay dive headfirst into, unbecoming condescension. But sometimes, it’s irresistible.

“Please use it referring to as equipped,” has been an all-purpose mantra in my house ever since those words arrived on the wrapper of a Honda Civic air filter sometime in the 1980s.

Last weekend, my son Silas received a set of Chinese-made Edifier speakers he had ordered on line. Among the packaging, he found this poetic brand testimonial:


I believe this can only be fully appreciated as blank verse:

Big surprise, astonishment, and enjoyment.

Ever from the sparkles of ideas sprouts
out of designer’s sketch.
Every piece of edifier’s works
breathes with a vivid life,
palpitating with the spirit of music.
For music is a spiritual thing,
and youth hood is creed.

In the domain of music,
we promenade hand in hand.
Edifier is not only a product,
but also a harmonious attitude to life.

Silas gave the speakers three stars out of five. Please use it referring to as equipped.