Gary Lauder calculates the wasted fuel and time caused by one intersection's stop signs at $100,000 per year. Roundabouts work better, but how about a "Take Turns" sign? Hat tip: Crest Halifax....

[caption id="attachment_1384" align="alignleft" width="600" caption="Before and after Seoul, South Korea, removed an ugly 1970s-era highway"]Before and after Seoul, South Korea, removed an ugly 1970s-era highway[/caption]
The Infrastructurist website offers four examples of the transformative possibilities when a city decides to remove a monstrous piece of highway infrastructure, like, say, the Cogswell Interchange, and replace it with something useful, beautiful, and urban life-affirming.
Crest Halifax has a thoughtful discussion about the problem of low frequency noise from windmills, and the illness some say it causes.
Of course it is possible that those reporting the symptoms of Wind Turbine Syndrome are more sensitive to sound and vibration than most people, or even than detection instruments. It’s also possible that other factors are at work. Could the illness be, to some extent, psychosomatic in nature?
crest-logoCREST Halifax has uploaded  a video of last Tuesday's all-party debate on environmental issues, which was sponsored by the Ecology Action Centre. The video of the two-hour debate is divided into 10 segments. Unfortunately, they are not annotated, so contrarian can't point you to the particular segments where Howard Epstein tried to defend the NDP's plan to subsidize coal-fired electricity, the many places where Green Party deputy leader Brendan MacNeill oversold the concept of feed-in tariffs for wind power, and the spot where the NDP, the Greens, and the Liberals all but nixed the proposed Donkin coal mine.